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Teen Volunteers


Our teen volunteers are an essential part of our organization. Teen volunteers must be at least 15 years old. Teens that are younger than 15 years old must volunteer with a parent/caregiver that has passed our background check (if volunteering with our participants). We are always looking for additional help and support to assist our organization different areas such as: Office work, events and programs, raise funds, and spread the word about Special Reach. Teen volunteers are required to sign up for volunteer opportunities ahead of time. Upon completion and review of the teen volunteer application and subsequent training, a teen volunteer may assist children during program hours. All teens will work under the supervision of trained, state certified professionals. Special Reach offers volunteer credit hours to teen volunteers. Your time and talent make a big impact in the lives of our kids.

Please click on the button below to complete an application. A completed teacher recommendation form is required for teen volunteers.



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